Understanding the Journey: Navigating the 5 Stages of a Relationship

written by Maja Metera

Although each relationship is unique - a pattern of how all romantic relationships progress has been conceptualized. We will walk you through the five distinguishable stages of this pattern: infatuation, discovery, commitment, partnership, and renewal/decline. Each stage comes with its characteristics, joys, and challenges. Therefore, it is vital to be able to recognize them to know which of the struggles are a natural, healthy part of your relationship changing over time. In the body of this article, you will also find suggested journaling prompts that align with each stage.

Relationship experts do not agree on how long it takes to move from one stage to the next, especially given the differing context of each connection. Thus, we will focus on the observable signs matching each stage rather than on the said timeline.

The Infatuation Stage

Have you ever heard about the “honeymoon phase”? It is that first initial period when you just got together with your partner. You are head over heels in love, and you cannot keep your hands to yourselves (if you are interested in sexual relationships, that is). You spend most of your time focusing on the new love connection, underlining your similarities. 

The bottom line is that in that period, it is incredibly easy to disregard the outside world because nobody could measure up to your idealized partner. Since you are wearing rose-colored glasses and your partner has no flaws in your eyes - you are prone to overlook their potential red flags and dismiss the importance of what you would otherwise consider a dealbreaker. Therefore, you can struggle with maintaining personal boundaries, which get blurry in the process.

Journaling can help you process your feelings and maintain a sense of individuality. This way, you get to enjoy the butterflies of excitement in your stomach while maintaining a strong sense of self.

The Discovery Stage

The sense of our partner’s perfection cannot last forever—we are all human, after all. As you experience more together, you get more comfortable in each other’s company. Your connection becomes less superficial and more informed by emotional, spiritual, and personal aspects resulting from deeper conversations.

As you start to talk more seriously about serious things, such as your values and plans for the future, conflicts are to be expected. You must find a way to manage those disagreements and deal with the disappointments as the initial idealization fades. Nevertheless, remember to actively try to create a safe space for each other.

Moreover, this is when you decide whether you want to adjust your expectations or separate. Journaling can be a reflective tool for understanding new information, making decisions, navigating conflict, and managing the emotions accompanying deeper revelations.

The Commitment Stage

So you decided to stay in the relationship, committing to each other and envisioning a future together. This is the stage where you move in together, get engaged, and even get married, if possible. Your trust and sense of security deepen and evolve in this stage, but so do external pressures such as family expectations of marriage and children. You must all stay true to yourselves and not bend to this pressure.

Communicate openly about personal and joint aspirations to ensure mutual goals are respected and understood. You can do that by sharing your entries with each other in Embrace to help clarify thoughts about the future and address any underlying concerns or hopes.

The Partnership Stage

Each day, you choose to be with each other. Your relationship is mature and established, resulting in exceptional teamwork. You understand your partner deeply, share responsibilities and support them. Your partnership is strong as you receive the same support and respect in return.

Stagnation is a threat in this phase. You get so used to each other’s company and living situation that you naturally start putting less effort into your appearance or organizing exciting activities, and you do not see the need to go on dates anymore. Although the high sense of comfort and freedom to be unapologetically yourself are so liberating and good for your overall mental health - they should be balanced with sharing new activities, setting regular relationship check-ins, and continued support of each other’s individual growth.

One way of doing this is by incorporating elements of the 24/7 BDSM dynamic. Even if you are not into this, please do not leave this page. Using the Obedience app to track your habits while keeping each other accountable can help you become your favorite version of yourself and bring a sense of novelty into your romantic relationship - regardless of whether you are into kink or 24/7 Dominant-submissive dynamics.

If you have the Premium plan for Embrace, you can now benefit from a 50% discount on Obedience Premium. Just log in with the same email address!

The Renewal or Decline Stage

Congratulations if you managed to re-spark the excitement in your love life after a period of stagnation. Keep up the good work! You have reached the renewal stage of rekindled love and commitment. A common idea during this time is renewing marital vows or celebrating a milestone anniversary with friends and family.

Unfortunately, some long-term relationships may here reach a point where they start to decline. Partners start to feel detached from one another, and unresolved conflicts linger, polluting the connection. It is another moment for decisions. You can choose to address longstanding issues, seek counseling if needed, and recommit or part ways.

If you choose to work together to better the situation, make time for romance, intentional connection, and to discuss the relationship's direction openly and without judgment. You can do so by, once again, sharing journal entries as it helps create a sense of safety, aids in rebuilding trust, and encourages honest reflection.


In this article, we explored the various stages of a relationship and how they transform over time. From the exciting infatuation to the mature partnership stage, each phase brings its own experiences and challenges. By understanding these stages and incorporating journaling into your routine, you can navigate the complexities of your relationship and foster growth.

Whatever stage you are currently on, keep showing up for each other and embracing both mutuality and individuality. Remember that honesty, respect, and nonviolent communication are the foundations for building a healthy relationship.


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